Sunday 16 March 2014

Pilot Survey Analysis

ECUR 809 Program Evaluation - Module 3



                For this assignment I chose to survey the staff at my school following a staff / student dodgeball tournament with the following question:

Does participation in fun events with students raise staff morale?

The survey I designed was comprised of 9 “Yes / No” questions, 3 “qualitative” questions, 12 “choose the number that best describes your feeling” and 15 “never, occasionally, usually, always, N/A” questions.  The instructions I included on the cover page asked staff to give me feedback on the following questions:

a)       Were the survey questions relevant to the main question posed?

b)      Was the survey easy or difficult to fill out or follow?

c)       Did you feel as though your viewpoint was accurately represented with the questions posed?


Feedback from Survey Participants

A.      Directions

Survey participants commented that my survey hit on all of the main reasons why the SRC hosts the dodgeball event and why it has become a tradition at the school.  Some participants felt that some survey questions did not apply to the main question, and in fact there were too many questions that pertained to one’s level of physical fitness.  Others felt that the survey could have been directed to one or two selected students for their feedback.


Some participants commented that there were more questions related to student morale than teacher morale.  Also, specifically questions 7, 14, and 15 had directions applied to them that did not make sense (i.e. “usually, sometimes, never…”).  One participant commented that one of the qualifiers, “I’m a changed person” was way above VERY SATISFIED and felt unsure of how much MORE satisfied she needed to be in order to choose that answer.


B.       Formatting

Some participants commented that there could have been more space provided for a written answer when the survey asked for one.  They felt somewhat limited by the space provided.  One participant commented that the survey was easy to follow and that their viewpoint(s) were accurately represented with the type of questions posed. 



C.       Design

Feedback on the design of the survey included the fact that too many questions were focused on the level of physical fitness of the participant and that was not the main question posed for the purpose of the survey.  Also, there was no room to comment on “other” reasons for participation in the dodgeball tournament other than if you were fit enough to participate.



D.       General Comments


Survey participants were willing to provide feedback for my survey and felt that the time it took to complete the survey did not interfere with their work in any way.  I placed the survey in the participant’s mailboxes at school and provided a little treat as incentive.  I think the participants understood that this was a light-hearted look at what they had just participated in and was non-threatening with no long term consequences.  One participant commented that he “didn’t know exactly what the point of the survey was”.  Also, I was horrified to find a spelling error on the first page which made me want to crawl into a hole!  I felt that the spelling error might have jeopardized the quality of the survey in some way, or at least how the participants felt about the survey as a whole.



General Survey Notes

                I felt that my original survey had a clearly defined question and that the survey was designed with that question in mind.  The survey I originally designed was easy to read, the directions were easy to follow and it was relatively quick to fill out.  I delivered the survey immediately after the event (dodgeball tournament) so that the information was timely.

 One thing I needed to improve with the survey directions was that there were a few ambiguous questions that did not have much relevance to “staff morale” but rather alluded more to the physical fitness of the participants.  In retrospect, some of the questions I posed may have been too personal in nature and could have been phrased in a more general fashion.  I think I may have also tried to be too “familiar” with my phraseology in an effort to inject humor, which was not necessary.

  I felt that the questions I used had distinct phraseology and were not too long.  I tried to use a variety of question types so that the survey had some flow and the questions did not get tiresome.  I did not use a very flattering format for the original survey.  I think that more time could have been spent in the design of a more appealing “look” to the entire survey (more polished or professional looking).

The piloting phase of this survey taught me some valuable lessons in survey construction.  I can see where I may have had some biases show in my original questions and where I should have toned down the “tongue-in-cheek” phraseology of my questions.



1.        Organization – who to be sampled next time?  Layout could have been better.

2.       Questionnaire design – was the design of the survey logical?

3.       Sampling – is the survey directed at the right population for accurate data?

4.       Data Processing – how was the data decoded?

5.       Analysis – was there sufficient data collected to offer input into program evaluation?


I learned that a good survey depends on “how much attention is given to the problems that may arise.”  This factor determines the QUALITY of the survey, not the size, scope, or prominence of the survey.  (It also really helps to give out candy as incentive!)

























                                                                                                                                 March 13, 2014



Dear ________________________________,


I was hoping to take a few minutes of your time with this survey.  I am currently taking a class in Program Evaluation and, as part of this class, I am required to develop a survey.  The goal of this assignment is to help me understand how to construct good questions and collect relevant data.

As a member of one of the Staff Dodgeball Teams, I have developed a survey asking this question:

Does participation in fun events with students raise staff morale?


If you have a few spare moments, please fill out the accompanying survey.  I am interested in your feedback on the following points:

a)            Where the survey questions relevant to the main question posed?

b)            Was the survey easy (of difficult) to fill out or follow?

c)            Did you feel as though your viewpoint was accurately represented with the questions posed?

Please include ANY comments that you feel would have made this a more effective surveying tool or any question(s) you feel would be good to add, etc.










Does participation in fun events with students raise staff morale?

Yes / No Questions

Did you participate in the Staff / Student dodgeball tournament during lunch hour?   Y/N

Were you in any way coerced into participating in the dodgeball tournament?  If so, explain how?   Y/N

Did you meet with your team members or communicate in any way about the following details:

a)            Date and time of game(s)   Y/N

b)            Rules for the game (s)   Y/N

c)            Team Uniform   Y/N

d)            Strategy   Y/N

Did you feel a sense of team “pride” on the day of the event?   Y/N

Did you feel a sense of “pride”  on the days following the event?   Y/N

Did winning “matter”?   Y/N


Comment briefly on your fitness level upon entering this tournament. 



Choose the number that best describes your level of satisfaction with playing on a staff team:

1=I hated it         2=I tolerated it                  3= I liked it          4= It was lots of fun        5=I’m a changed person

How did you feel about the following factors involving staff engagement in the dodgeball tournament:

1= Not Satisfied                2= Somewhat Satisfied                 3= Satisfied 4=Very Satisfied  5= I’m joining the National Team

___ pre-game prep

___during the game (team support and cheering)

___post game revelry

___walking into your class after the win / loss

___sitting at home after 10:00 p.m. after the win / loss

Answer the following statements by selecting  N( Never),  O( Occasionally), U( Usually),  A(Always), N/A (Not Applicable)


1.            Students like to see teachers in fun events.       N             O             U             A          N/A


2.            Students will participate in a more assertive        N             O             U       A          N/A

            manner when there is a teacher team in play.


3.            Students are more likely to participate in              N             O             U       A            N/A

              classes in which their teachers are actively

             involved in fun activities.


4.            Teachers are encouraged to participate in fun    N             O             U        A          N/A

               events with students.


5.            Teachers have an increased sense of well- being                 N      O     U       A        N/A

              and morale when involved in fun events.


6.            Teachers’ public image increases in a positive way   N     O           U           A      N/A

              when they engage in fun activities with students.


7.            Teachers should not participate in fun events because    N      O      U        A      N/A

              it is just awkward to watch.


8.            Teachers have a great sense of fair play.                 N           O             U             A     N/A


9.            Students learn most about team play when they participate 

                in fun events in which teachers are involved.      N             O          U       A             N/A


10.          Students should be encouraged to mock teachers as it builds

                 teacher’s self esteem.                            N    O       U        A         N/A                                       

11.          The school is a better place when teachers and students

               participate in fun events.                                N             O             U             A             N/A


12.          Team uniforms raise team morale.                  N             O             U             A             N/A


13.          Teachers are sore losers.                                  N             O             U             A             N/A


14.          Based on this event, I will participate in more staff team   N         O       U      A    N/A


15.          If I were not physically fit, I would never participate in staff        

              events (like dodgeball).                                     N             O             U             A             N/A


Answer the following questions based on your current level of fitness upon entering this dodgeball tournament:

1=couch potato   

2= walk the dog at least twice a week    

3=I have taken Zumba classes   

4= qualified for Iron Man (twice)

5= P.E. Staff at MMGCI

___How I would describe my daily fitness routine

___How I would describe my comfort level with participation in school sports

___How I would describe my desire to have fun and be a good sport

___How I would describe my athletic ability

___How I would describe my self-esteem (pre- dodgeball  experience)

___How I would describe my self-esteem (post- dodgeball  experience)



                                                                                                                                 March 13, 2014



Dear ________________________________,


I was hoping to take a few minutes of your time with this survey.  I am currently taking a class in Program Evaluation and, as part of this class, I am required to develop a survey.  The goal of this assignment is to help me understand how to construct good questions and collect relevant data.

As a member of one of the Staff Dodgeball Teams, I have developed a survey asking this question:

Does participation in fun events with students raise staff morale?


If you have a few spare moments, please fill out the accompanying survey.  I am interested in your feedback on the following points:

a)            Were the survey questions relevant to the main question posed?

b)            Do you have any comments on the layout and flow of the survey? 

c)            Did you feel as though your viewpoint was accurately represented with the questions posed?

Please include ANY comments that you feel would have made this a more effective surveying tool or any question(s) you feel would be good to add, etc.


                Thank-you for taking the time to complete this survey.   I appreciate your time and valuable insight!





In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the SRC programming for students and staff, please read the following survey questions and choose the BEST response that most accurately reflects your personal experience.  This survey hopes to answer the question:


Does participation in fun events with students raise staff morale?


Yes / No Questions

Please circle Y for yes and N for no to the following questions:

1.       Did you participate in the Staff / Student dodgeball tournament during lunch hour?   Y  /  N


2.       Were you in any way coerced into participating in the dodgeball tournament?  If so, explain how?   Y  /  N

3.   Did you meet with your team members or communicate in any way about the following details:

          a)  Date and time of game(s)   Y  /  N

          b)  Rules for the game (s)   Y  /  N

          c)  Team Uniform   Y  /  N

          d)  Strategy   Y  /  N

       4.  Did you feel a sense of team “pride” on the day of the event?   Y  /  N

       5.  Did you feel a sense of “pride” on the days following the event?   Y  /  N

       6.  Did winning “matter”?   Y  /  N


Comment briefly on the following question:

7. What was your level of fitness upon entering this tournament?



Choose the number that best describes your level of satisfaction with playing on a staff team:

1=I hated it         2=I tolerated it       3= I liked it      4= It was lots of fun      5=Terrific Experience



 Read the following statements and choose the number that best describes your level of satisfaction with staff engagement in the dodgeball tournament:

1= Not Satisfied                      2= Somewhat Satisfied            3= Satisfied            4=Very Satisfied 

___ pre-game prep

___during the game (team support and cheering)

___post game revelry

___walking into your class after the win / loss

___sitting at home after 10:00 p.m. after the win / loss

Answer the following statements by choosing N (Never), O (Occasionally), U (Usually), A (Always), and N/A (Not Applicable):
1.  Students like to see teachers in fun events.
2.  Students will participate in a more assertive
manner when there is a teacher team in play.
3.  Students are more likely to participate in classes
in which their teachers are actively involved in
fun activities.
Teachers are encouraged to participate in fun events
with students.
Teachers have an increased sense of well-being
and morale when involved in fun events.
Teachers' public image increases in a positive way
when they engage in fun activities with students.
Teachers have a great sense of fair play.
Students learn most about team play when they
participate in fun events in which teachers are
The school is a better place when teachers and
students participate in fun events.
Team uniforms raise team morale.
Based on this event, I will participate in more
staff team events.




*Any questions that were not related to staff morale or were about fitness level were eliminated (#7, #10, #13, #15)

All New:

Please comment briefly about your experience in the dodgeball tournament held at MMGCI.




Based on your experience, comment about the likelihood of your participation in this or similar events at MMGCI.



Would you recommend this experience to other colleagues who did not participate?  Comment why or why not.

1 comment:

  1. Wow what an excellent post on your survey pilot. Thank you for sharing in such an organized and comprehensive way. I have a good indication of not only the feedback you received but your reflection and incorporation on the feedback into your new version of the survey. The stream of consciousness is so very helpful for you and for me in understanding the design and development process. Then changes you have implemented are well considered and implemented. Thanks for highlighting the changes as well.

